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Assignment 4 : Research Methodology - What is MLA? How is it Helpful?

 Name : Anjali M. Rathod

Enrollment no. : 4069206420220024

Roll no. : 02

Batch : M.A. Sem. 4 (2022-24)

Paper no. : 209 - Research Methodology

Email Address:

Submitted to : Smt. S.B. Gardi, Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar - 364002

Date of Submission : 26th April, 2024

Assignment Topic : What is MLA? How is it Helpful? 

What is MLA Format? : 

MLA (Modern Language Association) style is a widely used citation and formatting style guide primarily used in the humanities disciplines, such as literature, language, cultural studies, and related fields. Its purpose is to provide a standardized system for documenting and crediting sources used in academic writing, ensuring consistency, clarity, and integrity in the presentation of research.

MLA style refers to the style recommended by the Modern Language Association (MLA) for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers. It concerns itself with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, quotation, and, especially, documentation of sources.

Founded in 1883, the MLA is a leading academic professional organization in the US that promotes scholarship of languages and literature.

Aside from its major yearly convention, the MLA publishes academic journals, such as Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.

The MLA also publishes its guidelines for documenting sources. Geared towards high school and undergraduate students, the MLA Handbook is in its eighth edition and came out in spring 2016. You likely used this in your high school and college English classes.

The MLA Style Manual is especially for graduate students, and went into its third edition in spring 2016. (Claude AI)

In MLA documentation style, you acknowledge your sources by key- ing brief parenthetical citations in your text to an alphabetical list of works that appears at the end of the paper. The parenthetical citation that concludes the following sentence is typical of MLA style.

The aesthetic and ideological orientation of jazz underwent considerable scrutiny in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Anderson 7).

The citation "(Anderson 7)" tells readers that the information in the sentence was derived from page 7 of a work by an author named An- derson. If readers want more information about this source, they can turn to the works-cited list, where, under the name Anderson, they would find the following information.


Anderson, lain. This Is Our Music: Free Jazz, the Sixties, and American Culture. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2007. Print. The Arts and Intellectual Life in Mod. Amer.

This entry states that the work's author is lain Anderson and its title is This Is Our Music: Free Jazz, the Sixties, and American Culture. The remaining information relates, in shortened form, that the work was produced in Philadelphia by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 2007 as a print publication in a book series called The Arts and Intellectual Life in Modern America. Using the abbreviations listed in chapter 7 makes an entry in MLA style concise yet readable. Simi- larly, when the name of a contributor to a work appears more than once in an entry, only the last name appears after the initial occur- rence (for examples, see 5.5.8).

A citation in MLA style contains only enough information to en- able readers to find the source in the works-cited list. If the author's name is mentioned in the text, only the page number appears in the citation: "(7)." If more than one work by the author is in the list of works cited, a shortened version of the title is given: "(Anderson, This 7)." (See ch. 6 for a fuller discussion of parenthetical citations in MLA style.)

MLA style is not the only way to document sources. Many disci- plines have their own documentation systems. MLA style is widely used in the humanities. Although generally simpler and more concise than other documentation styles, it shares with most others its central feature: parenthetical citations keyed to a works-cited list. If you learn MLA documentation style at an early stage in your school career, you will probably have little difficulty in adapting to other styles.

Documentation styles differ according to discipline because they are shaped by the kind of research and scholarship undertaken. For example, in the sciences, where timeliness of research is crucial, the date of publication is usually given prominence. Thus, in the style recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA), a typical citation includes the date of publication (as well as the ab- breviation p. before the page number). Compare APA and MLA par- enthetical citations for the same source. (MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers)

Its Purpose : 

Source attribution : It allows writers to give proper credit to the authors and sources they have consulted and incorporated into their work. This practice upholds academic integrity and avoids plagiarism.

Information retrieval : MLA citations provide essential details about the sources used, such as author names, titles, publication dates, and other relevant information. This information enables readers to locate and retrieve the original sources for further research or verification.

Consistency and clarity : By adhering to a standardized set of guidelines, MLA style ensures consistency in the formatting and presentation of citations and references. This consistency facilitates ease of reading and comprehension for the audience.

Discipline-specific conventions : MLA style is tailored to meet the specific needs and conventions of the humanities disciplines. It recognizes the unique citation requirements for different types of sources commonly used in these fields, such as books, journal articles, websites, and literary works.

MLA style holds particular importance in academic writing, especially in the humanities disciplines

Credibility and academic integrity : In the humanities, where research often involves analyzing and interpreting various literary, cultural, and artistic works, proper source attribution is crucial. MLA style ensures that writers give credit to the original authors and ideas they have drawn upon, upholding the principles of academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism.

Documentation of sources : The humanities rely heavily on textual analysis, close reading, and the examination of primary and secondary sources. MLA style provides a standardized way to document and cite these diverse sources, enabling readers to locate and verify the referenced materials easily.

Facilitating research and discourse : Academic writing in the humanities contributes to ongoing scholarly conversations and debates. By adhering to MLA style, writers demonstrate their familiarity with accepted academic practices and their commitment to following established guidelines for documentation and citation. This enhances the overall quality and credibility of their work, facilitating effective communication and dialogue within their respective fields.

Discipline-specific conventions : MLA style is tailored to the specific citation needs and conventions of the humanities disciplines. It recognizes the unique requirements for citing various types of sources commonly used in these fields, such as literary works, poetry, plays, films, and artwork, ensuring that these sources are properly acknowledged and referenced.

Consistency and clarity : The consistent use of MLA style across humanities disciplines promotes clarity and ease of reading for scholars and students. By following a standardized format, writers ensure that their citations and references are presented in a clear and recognizable manner, facilitating comprehension and preventing confusion.

Ethical and responsible scholarship : Proper citation practices, as outlined in MLA style, are fundamental to ethical and responsible scholarship. By accurately crediting sources, writers demonstrate respect for intellectual property rights and contribute to the advancement of knowledge through transparent and accountable research practices. 

MLA style consists of three key components

1) In-text citations, 

2) the Works Cited list, and 

3) formatting guidelines. 

I. In-text Citations

  • Purpose: To briefly credit sources within the body of the paper

  • Author-page format

II. Works Cited List

  • Purpose: To provide detailed information about the sources cited in the paper

  • Structure

  • Alphabetical order by author's last name or title (if no author)

  • Hanging indentation for each entry

  • Entry formats

  • Books (Author's name, Title, Publication details)

  • Journal articles ( Author's name, Article title, Journal name, Publication details)

  • Website (Author's name (if available), Title of page or website, Website name, URL, Access date)

III. Formatting Guidelines

  • General formatting

  • Double-spacing throughout

  • 1-inch margins

  • Times New Roman or similar font, 12-point size

  • Headings and sub-headings

  • Formatting for different heading levels

  • Examples: Level 1 Heading, Level 2 Heading, etc.

  • Block quotes

  • Indented and double-spaced

  • Used for quotes longer than 4 lines

  • Title page

  • Student's name

  • Instructor's name

  • Course details

  • Date

  • Page numbers

  • Included in the header or footer

  • Last name and page number format


Uses of MLA style, and For What? 

MLA style is widely used by schools, academic departments, and instructors. It’s especially used in the humanities, such as, according to Purdue University’s writing lab:

English Language and Literature

Foreign Language and Literature

Literary Criticism

Comparative Literature

Cultural Studies

MLA style provides writers with a system for cross-referencing their sources from their parenthetical references (in-text citations) to their “Works Cited” page (bibliography). This cross-referencing system allows readers to locate the publication information of source material. Other disciplines use other style guidelines, such as APA style, from the American Psychological Association (APA). Scholars in such fields as psychology, education, and social sciences favor this style guide. (Claude AI)


MLA style is an essential skill for scholars and students in the humanities. It demonstrates a commitment to following accepted academic practices, upholding ethical standards, and contributing to the broader scholarly discourse. By adhering to MLA style, writers not only enhance the quality and credibility of their work but also contribute to the ongoing advancement of knowledge within their respective fields. MLA style is an essential component of academic writing in the humanities disciplines. Its standardized guidelines for citations, source documentation, and formatting play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity, credibility, and clarity of scholarly work.writers uphold the principles of academic integrity and avoid plagiarism. Proper citation practices give credit where it is due, acknowledging the ideas and contributions of others while also enabling readers to locate and verify the referenced materials easily. The consistent use of in-text citations and the Works Cited list ensures transparency and accountability in the research process.

Work Cited

"Claude AI.", Claude Technologies Inc., 2022, 

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Modern Language Association of America, 2009.

Words : 1673


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