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Showing posts from July, 2023

Derrida and Deconstruction : Flipped Learning

  5.1 : Derrida $ Deconstruction Defining deconstruction :   1.1. • Why is it difficult to define Deconstruction?  'Deconstruction' too obviously implied an annihilation or whether it is negative reduction much closer to Nietzchean 'demolition'. And he argues on binary oppositions and that is why it's defined to be difficult. 1.2. • Is Deconstruction a negative term?  In French 'Deconstruction' too obviously implied an annihilation or less negative reduction than Hydegger's reversal.  1.3. • How does Deconstruction happen on its own? Because,  the very Derrida argues is based on distinctions or binary oppositions. It is considered to inquire into limits in a philosophical way.  Heidegger and Derrida :  2.1. • The influence of Heidegger on Derrida:  The influence of Heidegger on derrida which is quite substantial that metaphysical of presence is that when we consider being of something. For Ex. Any object like a chair or board. It's associa